Human Design - Sacral Center

Located near the bottom of the bodygraph, the sacral center carries the energy of vitality, sexuality, fertility, and persistence. It is life force energy.

Human Design Sacral Center

Defined Sacral Center

If this center is colored in on your chart (defined) then you are automatically either a Generator or Manifesting Generator. Defined as the Builders of the New World, this is the center where you tap into the fuel to sustain you.

In order to do work that is of benefit to the collective, raise healthy children, have deep/meaningful relationships, and embrace a sense of personal satisfaction, the quality of your energy is everything.

How do you know the quality of your energy? For Generators & Manifesting Generators it is an inward journey to strengthen the sounds and sensations of trusting your gut! This means paying attention to your inner vibrations that are often expressed verbally through grunts, groans, hums, physical movement of the body, twitches, nudges, and jolts! Children are great reflections of expressing without words their truth in the moment of whether they like something, dislike something, or are unsure and need more time to process. You too have these noises and sensations inside of you that can be strengthen through your awareness of how they show up, and then honouring them in order to build trust and faith in yourself. This is where the expression “trust your gut” comes from.

Question is . . are you trusting your gut response or are you letting the conditioning of the mind override your faith in you?

The strategy for Generator’s and Manifesting Generators is to wait to respond and this is referring to how the sacral center operates. When you are asked to do something, or asked a question, your sacral center responds with your truth. The key to this is in being patient with yourself in waiting to respond, especially if you are under the influence of emotional energy from yourself or others, or are of emotional authority yourself. Trusting in your gut and waiting to respond are effective tools when one allows for the processing of information as opposed to the reactive instinct of not-self behaviours picked up along the way.

Not-self behaviours for those who have a defined sacral center show up as trying to initiate action. Trying to force a desired outcome or make something happen which often ends in frustration or resentment. Why? Because the energy wasn’t right or ready for what was being asked of it. Remember – its not personal, its energy. Waiting for a sacral response that supports the direction being asked of you will increase your life-force energy and enjoyment. Ignore it and you will feel the work you do to be meaningless and lacking in value. This shows up as feeling tired, stuck, or wanting to throw in the towel and quit. Its as if your inner fire has burnt out, and energetically that’s exactly what’s happening.

The good news is that by taking the time to go inwards and re-connect to your sacral sounds you will receive the clarity for the action to take that supports your highest good, but only if you are ready to listen and take the action according to your gut feeling and address the mental barriers of the ego (shadow self) that arises when we come out of our comfort zone.

Human Design Sacral Center

Undefined / Open Sacral Center

If your sacral center is white (undefined or potentially wide open if no gates are circled here), then you are either a manifestor, projector, or reflector. This means that you are absorbing the quality of life-force energy from the Generators and Manifesting Generators within your environment. If you are around good quality fuel – you will feel this as increased energy, vitality, & sexuality (which is also known as creative energy) within yourself. If you are hanging around with those who are lacking excitement, drive, or holding onto increased anger & resentment, then this is what you are absorbing into your energy stores.

It is really important to acknowledge and recognize how your energy is affected by others and then to practice clearing yourself of unwanted energy. You will naturally have your own life-force energy as we all have the ability to fuel up from the natural world (mother earth, sunlight, nutritional food sources, meditation, grounding, etc.) You will feel your natural energy away from the influence of others. See if you can notice the difference between being in your own energy, and how your energy is influenced in other environments such as workplaces, at home, within social groups, etc. It is important to recognize your feelings of energy so that you are aware of its potential influence on your habits and behaviours.

Low quality energy = low quality existence

High quality energy = high quality existence

See how we are all so connected and in need of supporting health & vitality as a collective?

For Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors you are not energetically designed to work like Generators and Manifesting Generators as you don’t have consistent access to this life-force energy within the sacral center. This means that you will require periods of rest in order to replenish and recharge (as will those with definition as well), but you will need it more frequently and likely for longer periods of time. If you are unaware of this need and neglecting to honour it within your body, you may think that there is something wrong with you as you are always tired and will end up pushing yourself through to the point of exhaustion.

When you learn who you are and how you energetically operate, then you can align yourself with what honours your energy flow. For non-sacral types (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors) you are designed to work as specialists, project managers, contractors, and guides to name a few positions. Basically – you are best suited to a schedule that allows for flexibility in your hours of work and offers break periods. You can get a lot done and be very successful at what you do if you are allowed the ability to rest as needed and recharge your batteries. It is important to learn to delegate and save your energy for what truly matters. Trust when your body and energy levels tell you when enough is enough. When operating from a not-self (conditioned) state, and ignoring the signs, you will be trying to do too much, lacking healthy boundaries, feeling like a slave, and heading towards exhaustion.

Some great questions for you to reflect on are:

1.      Do I notice when my energy is getting low?

2.      Do I allow myself to stop & rest? If not – why?

When we look at our patterns of behaviour and learn to question, “Why do I do that?" Then we can start to recognize learned behaviours and mindsets we picked up along the journey that are not serving our highest good and work towards replacing them with our authentic self.

Human Design Sacral Center

Gates of the Sacral Center

The gates in the sacral center provide extra clues to your specific energetic makeup. Take a look at your chart to see which ones are circled within your chart and notice the line coming out from the number.

  • Red lines = unconsciously aware

  • Black lines = consciously aware

  • Checkered lines = sometimes conscious / sometimes unconscious

Gate 3: Beginnings

Energy to offer a new beginning & start again. Wipe the slate clean. Work on the foundation

Gate 5: Waiting

Energy to align to the universal rhythms & adopt certain routines in life.

Gate 9: Applied Details

A tendency to notice the details & wait for all to be in place prior to engaging.   

Gate 14: Prosperity

Energy to harness money & resources.

Gate 27: Nourishing

Energy to nourish and protect. Feels and responds to the need for survival.

Gate 29: Commitment

A tendency to say “Yes” when asked and commit to the experience.

Gate 34: Power

Power to empower the individual.

Gate 42: Increase

Magnetic energy. What goes around – comes around. Helping others, helps thyself.  

Gate 59: Relationships

Sexual energy to genetically align with a mate. Creative energy to support a project.

Every Human Design chart is unique in the way it processes energy. Learning about the key aspects of your chart, your corresponding gates, lines, and planetary associations can be a game changer when it comes to harnessing and maximizing your life force energy.

To learn more about the Sacral Center in Human Design and discover how it applies specifically to your chart, visit: Module 3: Life Force Energy & Vitality – Your Sacral Center


An intuitive and sensitive empath, Lisa is a certified Lightworker Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Business Innovator, and certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School.

With a passion in energy work and strong background working with top executives in the post secondary sector, Lisa combines science and spirituality to create unlimited potential for growth.

Lisa empowers others to embrace and discover their authentic self, bringing forward their own healing abilities, gifts, and stepping into their full potential.

Learn more @

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.

Human Design Splenic Center


Spring Equinox. Universal Love. Childlike Innocence.