The Art of slowing down

These words feel counter productive as we are gearing up for January. A time when so many set plans and goals in motion, making their New Year’s Resolutions.

Over the years I have set many resolutions and at times held true to them for a few weeks, others fell to the side in a matter of days.

Truth is, I made New Year’s resolutions because it felt like that’s what you were supposed to do, and I jumped on that bandwagon, attempting to follow suit with the masses.

This year I am adopting a more mindful approach and focusing on a single word for 2023. My word is FAITH.

FAITH is speaking to me already and insisting that it’s important to slow down during this season of winter, and I’m listening.

The schedule is becoming cleared of anything that is not in direct alignment with my primary focus areas.

You see, slowing down doesn’t mean that you are doing nothing, it means that you are very mindfully choosing to do what truly matters.

For me this season, health is the top priority. So making space to eat better, exercise, and get adequate rest is top of the list.

My love for teaching and supporting others follows closely behind, yet I’m being very mindful that I balance this in equal measures with ensuring that I am giving from a full cup.

You see, I wish to show up as my best self, and in order to do that I have recognized just how deeply important it is to take care of Self first.

Life is truly a delicate balance, and it can be hard to find the space and time to juggle all the moving pieces.

In love and gratitude for your support, I am gifting access to my workshop The Power of Planning for Success that originally aired live online in September of 2021 in the More Than Existing Academy of Higher Consciousness.

I hope the tools and techniques help support you in creating space within your schedule to slow down, breathe, and focus on those top priorities you have identified for yourself.

Much love,

Lisa Richard


An intuitive and sensitive empath, Lisa is a certified Lightworker Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Business Innovator, and certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School.

With a passion in energy work and strong background working with top executives in the post secondary sector, Lisa combines science and spirituality to create unlimited potential for growth.

Lisa empowers others to embrace and discover their authentic self, bringing forward their own healing abilities, gifts, and stepping into their full potential.

Learn more @

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.

Spring Equinox. Universal Love. Childlike Innocence.


The Winter Solstice and Its Relationship to Gate 10: Love of the Self