New Moon in leo: Angry Love

It's a new moon in Leo and a double hit of fierce love as we see Leo in both the sun and the moon signs. When I think of Leo, I am reminded of the deep love within and the protective energy that comes with guarding what one loves. What I was unprepared for was how it would teach what was needing to be felt at a deeper level in that mighty roar to release the tainted energy that surrounds the purity of love.

Perhaps you are feeling it as well as an "Angry Love". The not self tendency to fight in order to be right, to be heard, to be seen, to express deep feelings that are sometimes very painful to ride the wave through in order to find the healing on the other side.

I'm calling this one "angry love" as we are fully responsible for how we show up - our actions, behaviours, and mindsets. And the reality is ... "The children are watching and mimicking our behaviour." What we see in others is a reflection of what we carry. How can we recognize another's behaviour unless we have also had a similar experience?

I am riding through my own not self responses and witnessing the ugly roar on one end of the spectrum, and on the other end also witnessing a higher consciousness that’s able to see, admit, process, and fully claim the responsibility to now shift the energy into one that will support the version I wish to bring forward into my tomorrow's.

Use this new moon to feel the power of love within you. Use it to claim back the version you want to be. Let it ride you gracefully over the truth of your emotions and the power of your actions. Let in bow your head in humbleness as you admit your shortcomings and offer yourself/others the grace of understanding, compassion, respect, and forgiveness.

And always remember - We are not perfect! We are here to learn and to demonstrate to those who are watching the power of owning your truth and riding the storm in order to find the peace that exists within. Be mindful of your impact on others - and do not claim theirs as your own. We cannot control our environment or make others bend to what we need to be comfortable without robbing them of pieces of their love. We are here to learn to find our personal balance as we exist within the world that is ultimately in perfect harmony with itself. If you are uncomfortable - love calls you forward to heal and discover your whys.

Don't ignore your inner roar. Don't pretend everything is alright when you know you are lying to yourself. Be real, be honest, be courageous enough to grow in love and push through that discomfort in order to rise in the true energy of love.

Be the master of yourself. You are the master of no one else.


An intuitive and sensitive empath, Lisa is a certified Lightworker Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master, Business Innovator, and certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School.

With a passion in energy work and strong background working with top executives in the post secondary sector, Lisa combines science and spirituality to create unlimited potential for growth.

Lisa empowers others to embrace and discover their authentic self, bringing forward their own healing abilities, gifts, and stepping into their full potential.

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Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.

The Slumber Awakens
