During a recent Human Design Masterclass session, one of my clients whole-heartedly stated through the full conviction of a strong sacral response, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time!”

She nailed it! Those words have been echoing through my mind and heart for the past few weeks as I recall every moment of its vibrational impact. I can hear the tone of voice validating its truth, clearly see the body language leaning in towards what it instinctively knew to be right and feel the depth of the eyes reflecting an inner knowing.

We were speaking about matters of the heart at the time. The heart being such a fragile part of who we are. It breaks easily, loves fully, jumps into defence mode, climbs mountains of expectations, and shrinks inwards when those expectations fall short and the world feels to crumble around the heart’s fragility.

It’s easy to close off the heart to love and hide behind self defence mode, which seems contradictory to seeking for and wanting deep relationships, yet ultimate to one’s ability to cope with the sting of pain and rejection.

We tend to doom ourselves before the relationship truly blossoms with expectations of how the other should sense and respond to our needs. “If they cared they would … If I truly mattered, they would …. If he/she truly loved me …” The mind is quite creative in its self preservation.

Expecting another to meet our needs is a recipe for disaster as we so easily forget that the other is likely coming into the relationship and sitting down at the table of expectations with their own conditions and definition of love.

In personal matters of the heart, we tend to forget the 2-way relationship and in/out flow of energy that is in constant communication with the world around us. We place blinders over our eyes that bare witness to the truth as we wish to see it so that we can remain right and stay within our comfort zones.

“See! I told you he/she would forget! I shouldn’t have even bothered ….” becomes the justification of the mind talk and the safe zone of our conditioned patterns, beliefs, and behaviours. It’s easy to be the victim, much harder to shine a light on the truth and examine one’s own behaviour. Cupid just shot an arrow through the heart, except in reality cupid is disguised as the ego and its arrow an attack upon self and another layer of false protection placed over the heart.

So how do we learn to love again and remove those walls of expectations and validations of, “I told you so?”

It’s rather simple actually and comes in the form of a strong validation and reminder of, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” Life is short, and opportunities to love abundant if one dares to retrain the eyes and the heart to start over again and focus on just the current experience. No reference point to the past, no future expectations of what it should be, just this one single moment in time that is unfolding before your very eyes.

“I’m here for a good time, not a long time,” and I intend to savour the journey every step of the way. Lifting the head up from its usual gaze at my feet to look forward and around at all the opportunities unfolding with every step to embrace life and immerse oneself in the experience. Footsteps that have no set direction, they are simply following the inner pull of the heart and the sensations of joy as the beauty starts to pull more readily to the forefront now that the gaze is looking forward instead of down.

In a few short steps I have smiled genuinely twice at passerby’s and received in return the fullness of their smile and twinkle in the eye. I have sighed in appreciation as the wind has brought directly to my nose the fragrant smell of newly blooming spring flowers and directed my eyes over to discover the source of the aroma. Eyes that now see the masterpiece of creation unfolding before me as the blossoms open to love and invite in the insects to help pollinate and share in the abundance. Roots anchoring down into the earth to receive protection, nutrients, love, and support. My eyes trace what I envision to be the little roots underground and imagine its meeting up with the multitude of other roots within the same space all connecting and joining together in the act of love and support. Looking deeper, I follow the line to where I am standing and see that I too am connected, anchored, and supported in the same love.

When we give ourselves permission to begin again and focus just on the present moment and experience, it is then that we are reminded of the fullness of love, of who we truly are, and that what we need to find our way has been inside us all along. Remove the expectations and allow the discovery of life to be the inner compass. Be brave enough to set your gaze forward and greet life with the fullness of your smile and a heart that is open to remembering the beauty that has always existed.

Most of all remember that our time upon earth is limited, so follow your joy and surrender over the mind to be the observer of possibilities with no expectations. Let love unfold naturally and show you the fullness of the experience. Don’t be afraid to love again, as life’s bumps and bruises have tenderized the heart in preparation of being able to now savour the fullness of potential and the wisdom to know what belongs to the heart and what stems from the ego shadowing it over.

Be brave enough to shine a light into the darkness of the false protection and coax out the authenticity of the heart that you may more fully step into life as your unique self and give others permission to do the same. Love and joy is an inward journey that then invites others to bare witness to your truth. Focus on what brings you joy, and allow your feet to walk in that direction one step at a time while you savour each and every moment of the journey. It’s not about the destination – its about living in the moment.


An intuitive and sensitive empath, Lisa is a certified Lightworker Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master, Business Innovator, and certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School.

With a passion in energy work and strong background working with top executives in the post secondary sector, Lisa combines science and spirituality to create unlimited potential for growth.

Lisa empowers others to embrace and discover their authentic self, bringing forward their own healing abilities, gifts, and stepping into their full potential.

Learn more @ lovingenergyrecharge.com

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.


New Moon in leo: Angry Love


We Are Here To Enjoy Life