A Time of Increased Sensitivity

Entering the Gateway of Approach (19) in the Teachings of Human Design and the Gene Keys

Inner Alchemy Reading for January 27-31, 2025

Gate 19: Approach resides within our Root Center which is our energy center in the form of stress, stimulating us to evolve as a species. Consider that very statement for a moment, “Stress stimulates us to evolve.”

As individuals we all come to earth school to learn. Your Human Design chart provides clues to some of those key lessons you chose to undertake in this journey. Appearing white in your bodygraph, they are your sponges where you are under constant influence from your environment and therefore afforded many opportunities for self-contemplation, awareness, and maturity. 

We are all here to learn how to emotionally and spiritually grow up. We are all following a path that is unique to us in the form of having our own opinions, preferences, and experiences. We all carry our own unique perception of the world around us, based on our evolution and notions of what we deem to be safe and secure as we walk our human journey. But where do we learn what “safe is?” and are we really that safe by staying in our personal comfort zones?

This brings us to the shadow frequency of co-dependence. 

The Shadow of Co-Dependence

When you were born, you were completely reliant on others for your health and well-being. As we mature and grow, we become more and more independent, but also start to become conditioned to form certain codependent relationships as a fear response from a perceived inability to survive. 

Think of the parent who doesn’t want their child to move away from home or go someplace the parent cannot follow, even though the “child” is now a grown adult. The desire to keep the “child” at home is not for the “child’s” health and well-being, it's strictly motivated by the parent who has built a codependency around the child as a way to make themselves feel “whole.” The child is feeding an emotional need of the parent who has not learnt how to self-parent themselves.

To some degree we all have this, as we each had areas of our childhood development where our maturity was stalled due to our own needs at the time (related to safety and survival) being unmet by those who we were dependent upon at the time. This isn’t to feed a victim story or blame our parents / caregivers, it is to acknowledge that we are all in a process of learning and growing, which is why self-actualization, self-discovery, are tools to self-empowerment. We are not here to compete or compare, we are here to accept full responsibility for self. 

Gate 19: Approach carries a strong pressure of needing to be needed and carries a natural ability to sense another’s needs, particularly those that contribute to helping us feel safe and secure with being human. What gets confusing is learning to separate what your needs are from the needs of others. It is important to remember how young we are with emotional energy. If you have a combination of stress and emotional energy flowing through Gate 19: Approach, you may be holding tightly to feeding your own unmet needs of safety and security and unconsciously trapped in codependent relationships that do not serve the highest good.

Gate 19 has a strong sense of belonging and a pressure to reach out and be included in the family, group, or community. There is a desire to bring others together, and so it becomes disturbing when one senses a disconnect from others or separation within the tribe. It’s beautiful to want to help others, but if it’s coming from a place of personal sacrifice, or impacting another’s opportunity for growth, then it’s keeping all involved in an unhealthy codependent relationship. 

The Gift of Sensitivity 

Reaching out to find how life connects us all and an urge to end separation and re-establish unity.”

Chetan Parkyn. Book of Lines

Those with Gate 19: Approach often know others better than they know themselves. According to Chetan Parkyn, the danger to this is personal sacrifice, the gift is in having an ability to show others the way to find greater alignment in their earthly and spiritual lives. 

So why is the gift through Gate 19 - Sacrifice? Sacrifice calls for surrender, and true surrender occurs when one accepts full responsibility for self. We are all on a journey to learn to parent ourselves, and this means seeking clarity on areas of our life where we engage in unhealthy codependent relationships. Codependency means that you have (on some level) placed your happiness and well-being in the hands of another.

  •  If they’re not happy - you’re not happy

  • If they don’t go somewhere - you don’t go somewhere

  • If they liked the way you do it - then you do it, even if you don’t really want to. 

Becoming honest with yourself and noticing how this energy shows up can be a real game changer. Consider, “Who needs me the most in my relationships with others, and what do they need me for?”

When you are aware of your sensitivities, you can then use this gift to deepen your faith within yourself as you seek clarity and full responsibility for your own needs. As your needs are met, you become a living example for others of what self-care looks and feels like. You have healthy boundaries, balanced relationships, and engage in meaningful work. To be sensitive to one’s needs, and to parent self, feeds the collective vibration and increases the sensitivity within the whole. Imagine if we all took care of our sensitivities instead of blaming others for our unmet needs, or waiting as a “victim” in the hopes of being saved? 

The Ultimate Gift of Sacrifice

The ultimate gift of sacrifice then becomes a beautiful process of letting go and surrendering to Divine Will. You are no longer playing into the victim story of yourself, or others, and within a pattern of codependency. You’ve sacrificed that character role of being the martyr, savior, rescuer, whatever “role” you were trying to identify as. Sacrifice sets you free. 

Much love,

Lisa Richard, Owner of Loving Energy Recharge

Enhance Your Learning

Gate 19: Approach is part of Aquarius Season. Dive deeper into its teachings by enrolling in “Exploring in the Teachings of Aquarius Season”

Dive Deeper into Aquarius Season with our self-guided course

Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, Aquarius Season under the Archetype of "The Maverick" brings us into the 11th House of community, the Humanitarian, and wisdom. Its themes for 2025 is all about "Breakthroughs/Breakdowns, Madness/Weirdness"

New to the teachings of Human Design? Sign up for access to our complimentary video series “Introduction to Human Design” including links to create your free Human Design Birth Chart.


Lisa Richard

Owner of Loving Energy Recharge, Lisa is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker.

Lisa specializes in helping individuals to understand their unique gifts, build a deeper faith within themselves, and address the self-sabotaging behaviors or fears that tend to stand in the way. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.

If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.

Much love, Lisa

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.


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