Crossing the bridge from this to that
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Crossing the bridge from this to that

We have many twists and turns coming up as we ride out the rest of Pisces Season, coming to the end of the Astrological year, and welcoming in the Season of Aries after the Spring Equinox on March 20. Acting as a bridge in-between this time frame we experience the Full Moon / Full Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. This is a meeting of the 12-6-1 houses as we come full circle!

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A Time of Increased Sensitivity
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

A Time of Increased Sensitivity

When you were born, you were completely reliant on others for your health and well-being. As we mature and grow, we become more and more independent, but also start to become conditioned to form certain codependent relationships as a fear response from a perceived inability to survive. 

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What truly limits your potential?
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

What truly limits your potential?

Known as “The Cracking of the Vessel” Gate 60 Limitations opens us up to examine the very structures that limit or enhance our potential.

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What are you aspiring towards?
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

What are you aspiring towards?

“Do you tend to give away more than you can afford to give?” If so, you are operating from the shadow of greed. Awareness of how it shows up for you allows for an opportunity to sit with your egoic self and question your patterns, habits, and behaviors that keep you repeating cycle that is not for your highest good.

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Who or what is influencing your free will choice?
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Who or what is influencing your free will choice?

As part of the Channel of the Alpha and the Ring of No Return, Gate 31 Influence is found within the Human Design Throat Center. Speaking from a voice of logical leadership it moves us through the shadow patterns of arrogance and into the higher vibrating forms of humility. Born in the Astrological sign of Leo and within the 5th House of Pleasure, the Gate of Influence carries the underlying themes of recreation, leisure, enjoyment, entertainment, romance, children, games and taking risks. 

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We are tuning into higher states of Receptivity
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

We are tuning into higher states of Receptivity

We have been given the very power to create the world we see, live in, and experience, yet we do not understand the scope of this power or how to harness it for the greater good, but we are learning!

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Allowing space to cultivate new beginnings
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Allowing space to cultivate new beginnings

Imagine the potential that lies in store for you if you were to free yourself from clinging to things that hold you back from experiencing life and allow yourself to just play, experiment, have experiences, and learn. Imagine what that might do for the mind, body, and soul. 

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Are you increasing or decreasing your life force energy?
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Are you increasing or decreasing your life force energy?

Are you feeling depleted of energy? Feeling frustrated that things never seem to turn out the way you want them to? Are you afraid of disappointing yourself or others? Gate 42 in the teachings of Human Design offer us an understanding of alchemy behind the Law of Attraction and the concept of “What comes around goes around.”

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Entering the Ring of the Whirlwind
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Entering the Ring of the Whirlwind

In the teachings of the Gene Keys, the Ring of the Whirlwind is a combination of two gates: the 49th and the 55th. We enter the 49th today, Feb 8 and exit gate 55th on Feb 24. In the center of this period of time (Feb 13-18) we are gifted with the Ring of Purification.

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Teachings of the winter solstice
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Teachings of the winter solstice

Located in the Center of Self, Gate 10 is known as the Behaviour of Self. Linked to the Winter Solstice it reminds us that happiness exists when you follow your own path. This is the inner journey the Winter Solstice reminds us of during the longest night of the year.

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Autumn Equinox: Love of the Body
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Autumn Equinox: Love of the Body

Found in the Center of Self, Gate 46 is known as the Gate of Serendipity. It is the pathway of Delight, linked to the Autumn Equinox, and the Love of the Body (or not.)

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Falling Into Routine
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Falling Into Routine

During my years as an Executive Assistant, one of my biggest skills was an ability to juggle multiple schedules and ensure that there was still adequate time for the unexpected. And let’s be honest, the majority of our day is spent dealing with the unexpected, and that can generate a lot of additional stress if one is not prepared for it. Having space within your day is an essential ingredient for effective time management.

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Life is Designed to Provoke You!
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Life is Designed to Provoke You!

Life provokes us constantly. Poking and prodding us to respond to life and offering opportunities for continuous growth. Every challenge and obstacle has the potential to either create a blockage within the body, where one tenses, limits the breath, flares the temper, refuses to accept what is ultimately beyond their control, or breaks free from the obstacle and liberates oneself.

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Dare to Thrive!
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Dare to Thrive!

In the teachings of Human Design and its further evolution into the Gene Keys, the summer solstice brings us through gate 15, the gate of Modesty and love of humanity or not. It is the gate of the humanitarian, a call to service of the Divine light or to succumb to its shadow - Dullness.

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Human Design Splenic Center
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Human Design Splenic Center

As the oldest awareness center in Human Design, the gates of the Splenic Center hold valuable clues as to the role that fear plays out along our quest to embody more faith.

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Human Design - Sacral Center
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Human Design - Sacral Center

Located near the bottom of the bodygraph, the sacral center in Human Design carries the energy of vitality, sexuality, fertility, and persistence. It is life force energy.

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Spring Equinox. Universal Love. Childlike Innocence.
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

Spring Equinox. Universal Love. Childlike Innocence.

Gate 25 in the Center of Self is directly linked to the Spring Equinox. This gate brings us in and through the light, offering us a new beginning, a chance to start fresh, a new outlook on life. Gate 25 teaches us about Universal Love and baths us in the energy of innocence. It beckons us to come play, be childlike again, dust yourself off and try again!

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The Art of slowing down
Lisa Richard Lisa Richard

The Art of slowing down

In love and gratitude for your support, I am gifting access to my workshop The Power of Planning for Success that originally aired live online in September of 2021 in the More Than Existing Academy of Higher Consciousness.

I hope the tools and techniques help support you in creating space within your schedule to slow down, breathe, and focus on those top priorities you have identified for yourself.

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