Falling Into Routine
For many of us, September marks the transition from relaxing summer days towards a more structured routine & schedule. It can sometimes feel to be overwhelming especially when you are trying to juggle and organize schedules for others. Whether you are a parent, heading back to school, focusing on your career, or simply just trying to manage life – having a realistic schedule and clear vision of where your time and energy goes is one way to set yourself up for success.
Personally, I’m a seasonal planner. It’s part of my Human Design as I’m more in tune with the natural rhythms of Mother Earth than I am with man’s creation of time. This can be challenging when you are pulled in two directions. We tend to live by the clock and it’s a mindful practice to both adapt to the way of the world and respect your inner guidance system.
So why not use the schedule and routine to your advantage? Spending some time creating a visual representation of the moving pieces of your life helps bring things into your conscious awareness and offers an opportunity to course correct.
Marking in your work schedule, projects, classes, important dates, and events, will help you to see those areas where you may be overextending yourself and other areas where you step back and question, “Why am I not on my own schedule?”
During my years as an Executive Assistant, one of my biggest skills was an ability to juggle multiple schedules and ensure that there was still adequate time for the unexpected. And let’s be honest, the majority of our day is spent dealing with the unexpected, and that can generate a lot of additional stress if one is not prepared for it. Having space within your day is an essential ingredient for effective time management.
Planning ahead can be a game changer. Being able to see at a glance what’s coming up this month or in the months to follow will provide opportunities to balance peak times with down times. Why not be proactive and beat the rush by scheduling in that vehicle tire change now so you have an appointment held when it is time? Perhaps taking care of those other details to get them out of the way might also create some space and flow. Book those hair cuts, dentist appointments, eye exams, massages, anything that you know you can take care of and place into your calendar. No need to scramble last minute!
While you’re planning away, don’t forget to put yourself on the schedule. Life tends to get busy, so make sure you block off time for visits with friends and family, schedule in that class you’ve had your eye on, block off date nights with your spouse, and days to do absolutely nothing! Why? Because when you look over and see your calendar you just might stop saying “Yes” to doing things that you don’t really want to do. It might become easier to say, “I’m not available then.” The power of learning to say no, means that you are respecting your time and energy to say “Yes” to what really matters.
So have fun creating a visual. Spend the time tweaking, delegating, contemplating, and finalizing a plan that is realistic, and then hold yourself accountable to honoring your schedule and yourself.
- Lisa Richard
Online Course + Human Design Reading of your Root Center
Learn how to recognize stress in your body, what it is trying to communicate to you, and healthy ways to support yourself in making positive changes.
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Lisa Richard is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker.
Lisa specializes in supporting Spiritual Entrepreneurs in developing custom websites, online courses, self-publishing, marketing strategies, intuitive development, and business coaching. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.
If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.