I Am A Plant

I am nothing more or less than a simple plant, and here in this awareness I have found peace.

I have often joked that I feel like I am a plant, as I love the sun and often seek out its rays to renew my energy. There is no better feeling than closing my eyes and turning my face towards the sun and embracing the warm caress upon my skin.

I really dislike being cold. It hurts my body and feels like needles piercing deep into my skin. I try to avoid it as much as I possibly can. It takes my breath away, has me wrapping up tight and wanting to pull the covers over my head in an attempt to shut out the world and seek to find a warmth and comfort so desperately needed.

But to feel the warmth of the sun, now that is heaven. That beautiful, nourishing energy warms me to the core of my being and creates a smile upon my face and contentment within my heart.

I am a plant. Nothing more and nothing less, and it is here in this awareness that I have found my peace because I understand the language of love and how my body is communicating to me.

I am aware that I naturally know how to lean towards those things that are good for me and will nourish the essence of my being. I can feel myself lit up by the passion of just knowing this is the right path or direction for me based on how my body pulls me into the embrace of love when I become a plant and fall into the garden within my heart to ask the creator to show me the way.

I recognize the sensation as being the same as receiving a warm hug, witnessing an act of kindness, or seeing the beauty in the world through the eyes of a child full of wonder and awe. I am a plant and shall allow myself to flow naturally with the winds of change instead of trying to force myself to stay constant in a world that does not. I am safe to trust in the depth of my roots secured in the faith that I am held and all that is asked is for me to open up, feel, and trust that I will naturally lean into the light.

There is true peace and contentment here in understanding that its truly just that simple, we complicate things. But here, in this awareness, I am free to be me and open up wide to receive the light that nourishes my existence.

If today FEELS hard. Be a plant. Close your eyes, drop into your heart, visualize your roots connecting to the fertile earth feeding your body with love. Lean your face towards the warmth you feel as the sun caresses your cheek and allow yourself to rise up as it calls you home in the power of love. Feel the freedom of movement as the gentle breeze brushes away the worries of your day. Here you are just free to be. Planted in love, faith, kindness, and compassion, as you trust your body and senses to align you naturally towards what is needed for your highest good.

It’s a great day to be a plant.
Much Love,
Lisa Richard

Image by eko pramono from Pixabay

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.


We Are Here To Enjoy Life