Spring Equinox. Universal Love. Childlike Innocence.

Traveling through Gate 25 in the Human Design bodygraph

In the teachings of Human Design, we travel through the energy body weaving together aspects of Astrology, the Hindu Chakra system, Judaic Kabbalah, Quantum Physics, the I ‘Ching, and many other spiritual teachings. I’ve come to personally know Human Design as a dance. At times intimate, others convulsing and overlapping, a tapestry of many endings and beginnings. It is a deeply transformative and personal journey, delicately woven into the fabric of life. Fragile, graceful, beautiful, and offering boundless possibilities. It is a journey we all must travel alone – deep within self, yet we have boundless teachers that have walked the path before and left a trail of their deep insight, reflections, and guidance. Yet still, it’s a must that we all tune inwards to our own inner truth. Questioning, healing, experimenting, and becoming aware of our habits, gremlins (those self-sabotages), and darker areas of the psyche that need a fresh perspective.

As Mother Earth guides us through her natural cycles and rhythms, showing us the way of light, and the balance of dark that requires extra self-care and nurturing, we are now gifted with the emerging signs of Spring. The days are lighter, the birds are singing their sweet songs, the first buds of Spring are emerging. What we see is new beginnings, yet its journey is a continuation from the cycles before of endings and beginnings. Truly a reminder that nothing stays the same for very long, and whether you see it or not, you too have gone through considerable new growth.

Spring is a time of lightness, and if we weave it into one’s Human Design, we find ourselves in the Center of Self. Our energy center of identity, love, and direction (aka: your inner compass). Some of us are designed to have consistent energy that supports our knowing of self and where we wish to go. Others remain open to the experiences of life, fluid, adaptable, blending in and sensing when the environment doesn’t align to who we are or wish to head. All systems are designed to support us as individuals in learning to trust in the inner knowing (not the mind, society, or someone else’s opinion) – Self!

We all must do our own inner work.

Gate 25 in the Center of Self is directly linked to the Spring Equinox. Numerologically, 25 offers us a 7, which represents transformation and victory! This gate brings us in and through the light, offering us a new beginning, a chance to start fresh, a new outlook on life. It’s a calling to air out our homes, both inward and outward. Gate 25 teaches us about Universal Love and baths us in the energy of innocence. It beckons us to come play, be childlike again, dust yourself off and try again! Every gate in Human Design brings us a full spectrum of energies, offering experiences through the highs, lows, and valleys in-between. Entering through Gate 25 you may recognize this energy as feeling vulnerable and sensitive to rude or obnoxious behaviours. The heart may still carry the ache of being taken advantage of in your innocence, yet as you have traveled your journey the universal love walked with you helping you to learn and recognize discernment (what feels right/wrong, what feels to be true/untrue), and building a trust with your personal inner compass.

At the end of it all the Universal love saw you to the other side of your journey and here you are, wide-eyed and bushytailed, ready for Spring, new adventures, and a thirst for experiences to lift your heart. A longing to lift your face towards the sun and breathe in the fragrance of life. You my friend are to be celebrated for the journey that brought you to this very moment.

Oh, how the universe loves us. How freewill guides us. How we are all such tender beings learning and discovering that there’s a way through it all, and why not stop to play and smell the roses throughout the day!

Welcome Spring! Thank you for your sweet reflection of Universal love and innocence. May you continue to remind us to trust and follow the calling of our own inner compass through this precious gift of life.

~ Lisa Richard

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What does Gate 25 and Universal Love mean to you?

I trust that I am not given more than I can handle and work through situations with the knowledge and experience I have gained through living. I live by the motto of try and try again leaning from my mistakes and successes.

I take solace in knowing that nothing is ever permanent and I have learned to accept and know the things that I can and cannot change.

From the eyes and heart of the innocent, I am learning to trust my instincts as well as not being so judgmental.

Wendy (Living Your Design Masterclass Student)


An intuitive and sensitive empath, Lisa is a certified Lightworker Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Business Innovator, and certified Living Your Design Guide through the International Human Design School.

With a passion in energy work and strong background working with top executives in the post secondary sector, Lisa combines science and spirituality to create unlimited potential for growth.

Lisa empowers others to embrace and discover their authentic self, bringing forward their own healing abilities, gifts, and stepping into their full potential.

Learn more @ lovingenergyrecharge.com

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.


Human Design - Sacral Center


The Art of slowing down