Who or what is influencing your free will choice?

Entering the Gate of Influence (31)

As part of the Channel of the Alpha and the Ring of No Return, Gate 31 Influence is found within the Human Design Throat Center. Speaking from a voice of logical leadership it moves us through the shadow patterns of arrogance and into the higher vibrating forms of humility. Born in the Astrological sign of Leo and within the 5th House of Pleasure, the Gate of Influence carries the underlying themes of recreation, leisure, enjoyment, entertainment, romance, children, games and taking risks. 

In the laws of nature the leader of the pack, the alpha, carries a magnetic attraction that naturally causes others to pay attention. Its mannerisms, voice, and activities are noticed and considered by all within its presence. This same quality is found in the Gate of Influence (31) bringing with it the natural ability to lead the way forward often through a voice that is both authoritative and compelling as it focuses on the future and the way ahead. There will be a logical explanation as to why things should go in a certain direction or what needs to happen in order for one to move forward along their life path. 

Leadership carries great responsibility. The dilemma to consider here is the power of our choices and to practice great discernment on what is influencing your choices. The throat center in Human Design carries the pressure to be seen, heard, and manifest one's ideas out into the world. As humans we desire recognition. It is this desire that stimulates the shadow of arrogance and influences ourselves and others to make choices that are not in the highest good. All choices have consequences that return in the form of karma. Once an act is done it is done, you cannot take it back. That is why Gate 31 Influence is part of the Ring of No Return. 

Consider the effects of influential leaders across our history within government, education, religion, business, cultures, and the family unit. The effects of leadership can improve the lives of humanity or create catastrophic events. The bottom line to consider is, “Whose leadership are you under the influence of and what is the agenda it serves?” You see, we all have a free will choice to choose and when we neglect to ask questions and consider the consequences of our actions we are operating from the lower vibrational frequencies of the shadow of arrogance. Arrogance stems from deep rooted insecurity. It may appear as pushing one’s weight around and thinking / acting as if you are better than others. It can also appear as meekness. Unwilling to think for oneself, playing the victim role and expecting someone else to make decisions for you, or jump in to rescue you from whatever circumstances you are in. Arrogance expects someone else to do the work that we as individuals are capable of doing for ourselves, or pushing to have our needs met without consideration of how our actions / choices affect others. Arrogance is blind. It does not see itself as part of life but rather in a fight for its life.  

We have been given free will. The power to make choices, which is the power to create. We can create our suffering, or we can surrender into the suffering and allow life to teach us and show the way forward towards lasting change. How you apply the gift of choice is up to you and will affect not just yourself but those who are influenced by the decisions you make. Think of the children that are watching and learning from the adults around them. Consider the influence your choices have on your coworkers, friends, family members, social groups, and perhaps most importantly - yourself. Are you happy with the choices that you are making? Are they leading you towards a future where you are thriving and not just surviving? Are you considering others or focused on your own desired outcome? Are your choices influenced by another’s emotional manipulation, personal agenda, or fear tactics? Have you given away your personal power and in need of claiming back responsibility as the leader of your own life? 

The ultimate teaching here is to embrace humility. To release our arrogance and to see that we are part of a much larger tapestry of life. Life isn’t designed to meet our needs, wishes, and desires, life is designed to provide experiences to enrich and evolve the human species. True leadership understands this principle and allows “mistakes” to be a natural part of life. It is merely part of the learning experience. Humility teaches us to take risks, make choices, learn from our choices, accept the consequences of our choices, and move us deeper and deeper into unity with the whole. We are a part of life, not separate from it. We are moved and shaped by the experiences that come our way. 

Humility teaches us the art of blooming where we are planted. Leading from the wisdom of the heart, away from the need to seek recognition as an individual as one becomes aware of their role within the vast network of creation. It stands in conviction of its faith and unyielding to another’s personal desire for arrogance, power, and control. 

Are you ready to step into the gate of the influential leader? To observe where the shadow of arrogance arises within you? Consider these self-reflection as you contemplate for yourself the inner alchemy potential within Gate 31 Influence. 

Self Reflection Questions

  1. Where and from whom do you tend to seek approval from? 

  2. In what area of your life do you tend to push to get your needs met? These are often our areas of greatest insecurity. 

  3. Do you claim the leadership role in your own life, owing up to your decisions and the consequences that arise from them? If not, what can you do to start empowering yourself and strengthening faith in your ability to make decisions? 

  4. Our desires to help others often lead to assuming responsibility for what is not ours to claim. Are you interfering with someone else’s free will right to choose for themselves or insisting that they follow suit and do things according to your preference / desire for their life? 

There are so many teachings afforded to us during this time. The pathway of humility accepts that we are all so perfectly imperfect. Allow your imperfections to strengthen your ability to make conscious choices, and humor to soften any judgment, shame, blame, or guilt you may place upon yourself or others. Acceptance of our humanity and humble acceptance of flaws opens us up into the freedom to be our authentic selves. 

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LISA RICHARD, Owner of loving energy recharge

Lisa Richard is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker living on Vancouver Island.

Lisa specializes in helping individuals to understand their unique gifts, build a deeper faith within themselves, and address the self-sabotaging behaviors or fears that tend to stand in the way. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.

If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.

Learn more @ lovingenergyrecharge.com

Lisa Richard

Lisa is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel and Lightworker Coach living on beautiful Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley.


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