What are you aspiring towards?
Entering the Gate of Ambition (58) in the Teachings of Human Design and the Gene Keys
Inner Alchemy Reading for January 5 - 9, 2025
Found in the root center on your Human Design chart, the Gate of Ambition is pulling pressure, in the form of stress, towards itself in order to help us evolve and move towards increased body consciousness and healthy choices.
In its lower vibrating form, we face the shadow of greed and when this is fed by increased pressure in the form of stress by the collective energy, we find ourselves having to deal with our egoic self that wants to maintain its comfort zone, identity, and self preservation.
You may be feeling that the shadow of greed does not apply to you personally, but it may surprise you how it shows up. Ask yourself, “Do you tend to give away more than you can afford to give?” If so, you are operating from the shadow of greed. Awareness of how it shows up for you allows for an opportunity to sit with your egoic self and question your patterns, habits, and behaviors that keep you repeating a cycle that is not for your highest good. What tends to keep us stuck is the fear of failure. Addressing your fears in a healthy way will help support you in aspiring towards greater health, vitality, and increasing your faith within as you become more aware of how your body communicates what it likes / dislikes. We are here to learn to build more body consciousness and come out of the program of the mind that operates from a conditioned pattern.
Reflection Questions
What makes you uncomfortable in the energy of others and the world around you?
Where do you notice people reacting to the current energy and pushing towards having their needs met (shadow of greed)?
Where do you feel the shadow of greed within yourself? What needs / comforts are coming to the surface for you to address at this time?
How does you body communicate its likes / dislikes? Do you honor these sensations?
What is it that you truly want to aspire towards? What stands in the way?
How does the fear of failure show up for you? What can you do for yourself to address your fear of failure in a healthy way?
New to the teachings of Human Design? Sign up for access to our complimentary video series “Introduction to Human Design” including links to create your free Human Design Birth Chart.
Dive Deeper into Capricorn Season with our self-guided course
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn Season under the archetype of "The Ruler, The Builder, and The Architect" brings us into the 10th House of Career and Public Image. Its theme for 2025 is all about Action and Restructure.
Lisa Richard
Owner of Loving Energy Recharge, Lisa is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker.
isa specializes in helping individuals to understand their unique gifts, build a deeper faith within themselves, and address the self-sabotaging behaviors or fears that tend to stand in the way. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.
If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.
Much love, Lisa