Entering the Gateway of Inner Truth
Entering the Gateway of Inner Truth (61) in the Teachings of Human Design and the Gene Keys
Inner Alchemy Reading for January 10 - 15, 2025
It is only when we stop seeking answers that the truth is revealed! As we enter into Gate 61: Inner Truth we may be experiencing a pressure to seek what is authentic in life and to realign ourselves to the mystery of life itself. This will also place pressure upon us as a collective to deal with our fear of ignorance, and learn to make peace with not having the answers.
Many of us have been conditioned to seek answers, acquire knowledge, and to prove that we are smart. Yet there is a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Wisdom exists within the very cells of your DNA but first you must quite the mind to attune to a higher state of being.
Gate 61: Inner Truth
Psychosis - Knowing - Inspiration - Sanctity
Human Design / Gene Key Gate 61: Inner Truth
As we move into Gate 61: Inner Truth, I am drawn instantly to its placement at the top of the bodygraph. The crown rising up and out of the physical body guiding us towards higher states of potential consciousness and Gate 61 laying right in the very center. A sort of middle road one could say. The middle road shows us that something could be this or that. It doesn’t have to have just one answer or be just one thing. Prior to arriving at Gate 61, Gate 64 reminds us of this very concept as it’s the way of diverse possibilities!
The Shadow of Psychosis
The mind has been highly conditioned by the world and its shadow of psychosis lies in the very real awareness that we believe many things to be true that simply are not. We once believed the world was flat. We believe one race is superior to another. We believe many things because we have been conditioned through fear to not question or challenge our leaders and superiors. Truly this is psychotic! The very definition of psychosis is when one is out of touch with ordinary reality.
Consider for a moment how many times you believed something to be true only to find out that there was more to discover. The dilemma in Gate 61: Inner Truth is Knowledge. Anyone can acquire knowledge but true wisdom lies far beyond what the human mind is capable of knowing. To believe you know the answer closes the door to the mind and it takes true courage to remain open to the idea that we could be wrong as there is always more to discover.
Those with Gate 61 in their design bring into the world an urgency to contemplate what is authentic and what is not. It is designed like a compass to keep one pointed in the direction of what you just know to be your inner truth. You can’t prove why you just know as these come through as flashes of inspiration during moments of quiet stillness, yet every part of your being just knows this is authentic. This is the truth. Tapping into and honoring your inner knowing will push you through the shadow of psychosis and over the bridge of inspiration towards the highest state of being - Sanctity.
We’re all psychotic because we’re all out of touch with ordinary reality. We think that the world that our mind sees is the world.
- Richard Rudd, The 64 Ways. Personal Contemplation on the Gene Keys
The Gift of Inspiration
In the teachings of the Gene Keys, which takes Human Design into the next level of awareness, Richard Rudd states through his own contemplation of Gate 61 that to find wisdom one must first give up knowledge. This means being honest enough with yourself to examine your systems of thought, and your thinking that you hold dear as your perceived truth. Wisdom is a journey of unlearning and this is the gift of inspiration. Inspiration lies in creativity!
We’re accountable for our every action, thought, word, and deed.
- Richard Rudd, The 64 Ways. Personal Contemplation on the Gene Keys
When we allow creativity to flow through our being this is music for the soul. Music itself is a result of creative genius, along with painting, sculpting, gardening, cooking, anything that allows you to express your inner truth and clear your mind. Clearing the mind opens up the pathways of the heart, inviting in healing energy to transform one’s wounds into profound wisdom and act as a catalyst for personal growth. Humanity is collectively wounded, and as long as we remain trapped in the shadow of psychosis we cannot heal.
The gift of inspiration is a passageway of death, letting go of the old ways, thoughts, views, and walking towards a lighter version that is completely unknown yet is guided by an inner knowing. As you allow inspiration to guide your way you attune to your natural harmony, grounding you deeper into mother earth and supporting your human journey. This in turn offers inspiration to others who witness and resonate with your inner truth, your way through the psychosis of the shadow as you take control and responsibility over your thoughts, actions, words, and deeds. We are all creators. Dare I say, we are all Gods?
To reach the ultimate gift - Sanctity, one must first empty out completely in order to embody the essence of the Divine. To be filled with light, purified, sanctified, made holy. This is not to be confused with perfection, as we are human. This is, however, the state of acceptance of one’s shadow tendencies and allowing them to be released through compassion and grace, offering over the old ways, thoughts, deeds and actions so the Divine may return it to us as wisdom. As pure light.
Anyone can fill up on knowledge. Few will travel the path towards wisdom. The third road. Christ and the Buddha completed this journey, and we must remember their journeys began as you and I, human. Yet they chose to keep walking, to purify the mind-body-soul relationship. They chose to self-empty and become filled with the Divine Light - Sanctity.
Your innermost sincerity compels you towards what you know to be true.
- Chetan Parkyn. Book of Lines
Enhance Your Learning
Gate 61: Inner Truth is part of Capricorn Season. Dive deeper into its teachings by enrolling in “Exploring in the Teachings of Capricorn Season”
Dive Deeper into Capricorn Season with our self-guided course
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn Season under the archetype of "The Ruler, The Builder, and The Architect" brings us into the 10th House of Career and Public Image. Its theme for 2025 is all about Action and Restructure.
New to the teachings of Human Design? Sign up for access to our complimentary video series “Introduction to Human Design” including links to create your free Human Design Birth Chart.
Lisa Richard
Owner of Loving Energy Recharge, Lisa is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker.
Lisa specializes in helping individuals to understand their unique gifts, build a deeper faith within themselves, and address the self-sabotaging behaviors or fears that tend to stand in the way. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.
If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.
Much love, Lisa