meet the owner of loving energy recharge

Lisa Richard is a certified Reiki Master / Teacher, Emotion Code Practitioner, Ancestral Healer / Past Life Reclamation, Lightworker Coach, Human Design Guide, Intuitive Channel / Oracle Card Reader, and Keynote Speaker living on Vancouver Island.

Lisa specializes in helping individuals to understand their unique gifts, build a deeper faith within themselves, and address the self-sabotaging behaviors or fears that tend to stand in the way. She uses her gifts as an empath and intuitive channel to guide clients towards fulfilling the calling of their life purpose.

If you are ready to shine your light out into the world, embrace the shadow of your imperfection, and take the necessary action steps in reclaiming responsibility for your destiny, then reach out and let us walk side-by-side together in love and support.

Explore Our Inner Alchemy Services

  • Human Design Birth Chart Consultation - Discover Your Design

    Human Design Birth Chart Consultation - Discover Your Design

    For those new to Human Design (or just getting started), this consultation is designed to provide a broad overview of your design and assessment of how to start the deconditioning process. Great for those looking to increase intuition, mitigate fears, identify self-sabotages, and enhance overall inner harmony.

  • Relationship Compatibility Birth Chart Reading

    Relationship Compatibility Birth Chart Reading

    For those looking to enhance a relationship, build communication skills, and support one another through a healthy loving relationship. Using your birth information we unravel and reveal the connections, challenges, and opportunities for growth. 90 Minute zoom session (recorded). 2 people max.

  • Family Dynamics Birth Chart Reading

    Family Dynamics Birth Chart Reading

    Perfect for all family units. Exploring the characteristics of each member within your household is a wonderful way to grow together in love and support. Discover what makes each member unique and how to honor diversity and inclusiveness within the family unit. Birth information is required. 90 Minute session using zoom (recorded). Birth Information is required.

  • Living a Purpose Driven Life

    Living a Purpose Driven Life

    A healthy you starts with building a strong foundation. Using your birth information we explore your unique path, what you are here to learn, what supports you in maintaining health and vitality, and ways to strengthen your connection to your higher self in order to awaken your life’s purpose. 60 minute reading via zoom (recorded). Birth information is required.

  • Developing Trust / Self-Confidence Birth Chart Reading

    Developing Trust / Self-Confidence Birth Chart Reading

    The body holds deep wisdom yet many do not trust their inner guidance. We all came into this world with certain fears to navigate through as a way to cultivate deeper faith, along with conditioning that often suppresses one’s natural gifts. Learn to uncover what you are here to learn and move deeper into trusting yourself and your inner guidance. 60 minute session via zoom (recorded). Birth information is required.

  • Career Development Birth Chart Reading

    Career Development Birth Chart Reading

    Unsure what path to follow or the direction to head towards? Your birth information provides many clues! Let’s examine your strengths, unique gifts, and how to trust in yourself to follow your destined path. 60 minute session via zoom (recorded).

What’s Happening in the energy this week?

"Inner Alchemy" focuses on the weekly energy using the teachings of Human Design, the Gene Keys, and our training as a More Than Existing Lightworker Coach. We hope you follow along and participate through leaving a comment to let us know how you are feeling this week’s energy.

"I couldn’t wait a second to listen to your session, and I have to say I LOVED it! I laughed, I cried, I felt all kinds of emotions and recognized myself in my chart! The way you described and talked moved my heart, truly. I am so grateful and happy, can’t wait to explore and learn more about myself and inner voice. 

Thank you so much for being so thorough ❤️”

- Krista

“​Thank you for EVERYTHING that you have done for me, opened up my eyes (all 3 of them) even more and most importantly, my heart. You have helped to open me up personally & at work, to see, feel & make a huge difference in my world & others!”

- Christine

“​I just wanted to state how very thankful and appreciative of Lisa and her work! Human Design opened my eyes to see myself in a different light and perspective. Lisa is amazing in every aspect. Lisa is always available for any questions no matter how small. She has a way with words and an aura that is warm, funny, caring and soothing.

Thank you so very much Lisa for bringing this opportunity to me”

- Hailey

“​My first encounter with Lisa was when she was introducing herself and her passion for Human Design in a small group setting. She had me (and I think all of us in attendance) mesmerized by her wisdom ,and the way she communicated her own journey of transformation through both Human Design and The Gene Keys was inspiring! It certainly left me wanting more empowerment for my life and I new that my curiosity would lead me back to a connection with her at a future date.
With a new year arriving, and the feeling of wanting more expansion in my life, I booked a session with Lisa, and I was so glad I listened to my own inner guidance!
I knew that meeting someone whose willingness to lead a session from the heart was not something I should stay silent about or keep to myself.

What I appreciated about my session with Lisa was her compassionate and professional manner of leading me through my chart focusing on the positive aspects of my journey here in this human form, rather then the focus being on the shadow side of myself(as this aspects I am well aware of.) I left the session feeling uplifted, empowered and excited for this opportunity to get to know myself from another perspective. I would highly recommend Lisa and all of her offerings as she is a natural gifted healer. If you are at all curious about understanding the powerful you that you have come here to be I would highly recommend Lisa as your guide.

Love is all there is and that love is you!”

- Monica



“Lisa is an invaluable part of my work and my life! Taking my businesses appearance, marketing, and networking from average to outstanding. The caliber of work Lisa produces speaks volumes to her work ethics, commitment to excellence, and business sense.

As a coach Lisa guided me to work with a commitment to time management, the value of teamwork, and trust. The design and formatting of the online school and my website provides me with the confidence that I can do the little things easily and efficiently.

As a dear friend and partner to the commitment to the More Than Existing™ Academy of Higher Consciousness she is loyal to the growth of others while maintaining a healthy sense of loyalty to self. Her time is valuable, and she holds you accountable to do your part. Support, leadership, intuitive, and compassionate is Lisa!”

Corrie Thorne-Cameron Founder, Owner & Author of More Than Existing™️ and


Explore the benefits of Lightworker Coaching

“Lisa’s calm and nurturing voice guided me through one of the most supportive types of healing that I have done.”

- Linda G

“I can’t explain the relief and heaviness that was released from my body and mind during my healing session. I look forward to doing it again as our healing journey is a work in progress! Much love and gratitude to Lisa!”

- Tracy L

“Lisa has the most calming energy that comes through her voice. The way that she is able to step into your energy and help the healing process is extraordinary. With her guiding presence, it makes reliving and releasing that much easier. She makes sure you understand that it is not to relive, but to acknowledge and release so that you may move on. She truly has a beautiful gift.”

- Carol J

Island Vibes

Mother nature offers all we need to heal.